WP ULike Pro Vs. Free: Which One Helps You Better?

WP ULike Free Vs Pro

WP ULike Pro Vs. Free: Which One Helps You Better?

After years of developing and hearing our users’ complaints, suggestions, and reviews; we developed a Pro version of our voting plugins to answer our expert users with special demands.

WP ULike Free Version

Since we released v1.0.0 of plugin back in September 2014, We tried to improve our work with every update by polishing the product, optimizing codes and fixing reported bugs while adding new features.

You get basic Like Button features and simple statistics, but it doesn’t end here. Through the years of developing this plugin, We added so many features, compatibilities, and improvements. in our latest free version you will have:

  • Like, Dislike and Subtotal Votings support
  • Simple and effective options to customize every aspect of plugin styles
  • Supports Rest APIs with a Variety of Routes for Use in Apps
  • Advanced Settings Panel With Easy Backup and Flexible Customization Options
  • Professional Schema.org Generator + Start Ratings
  • AJAX Based Login, Registration, Reset Password and Edit Profile forms
  • Easy local avatar upload inside front-end and dashboard area
  • Progressive Log Management Panel, with advanced search capabilities
  • Database optimization panel with various options
  • +20 Carefully Designed Premium Templates
  • Anonymize IP option for GDPR compliance
  • Flexible Metabox Options with More Customization Settings For Each Post
  • Full myCred (Points, Rewards, Gamification, Ranks, Badges & Loyalty Plugin) Support
  • Professional Statistics Panel With Date Range & Status Controllers
  • Notifications System (Custom toast messages after each activity)
  • Applied Shortcodes with Easy Shortcode Generator Button
  • Full Support for Elementor Page Builder With Functional Widgets
  • Support Cache: Rocket, LiteSpeed, W3 Total Cache, Fastest Cache, Super Cache, etc.
  • And much more…

Introducing WP ULike Pro Version

WP ULike Pro version works on top of our free voting plugin. We talked about the activation process completely in our documents. While maintaining all the good stuff from the free version of WP ULike voting plugin, we tried our best to develop a more feature reach extension to already great plugin.

But let’s talk about Pro version exclusive features. first of all, We added a “Dislike button” that can be used on any content similar to the “Like button”.

We understood the importance and pervasive status of Elementor Page builder, so we added Elementor compatibility to Pro version of the plugin. now you can use all of our newly designed widgets by drag and dropping to any part of your custom pages or post types.

Currently we’ve +7 widgets such as “Like-Button”, “Flexible Top Posts”, “Top Comments”, “Top Activities”, “Top Topics” and “Like/Dislike Counter” elements. You can customize them to your favor with just a few clicks with our options & custom CSS controller.

Also, your feedback guided us to a new and improved statistics tools. Now you can see detailed reports, generate many types of charts for any button, and even comparing charts with several variables.

We designed +8 special and eye-catching templates exclusively for the Pro version of the plugin with Like and Dislike buttons alongside. And finally, you continually asked for an online Support Service. with the Pro version of the plugin, you will get 24/7 online support.

Click on the link below to read about Why You Should Not Use WPULike Pro Nulled?

Compare WP ULike Free Vs Pro

You can see all the differences between Free and Pro version in a glance:

Features Free PRO
The #1 Engagement & Conversion Plugin for WordPress Checkmark Checkmark
Like, Dislike & Total Voting for Enhanced User Interaction Cross Remove Checkmark
Advanced Engagement Analytics Dashboard for Insights and Trends Cross Remove Checkmark
Schema Markup Generator for Improved SEO Cross Remove Checkmark
Advanced Profile Builder with Customization Options Cross Remove Checkmark
Seamless Login, Registration & Password Reset Forms Cross Remove Checkmark
Two-Factor Authentication for Enhanced Security Cross Remove Checkmark
Social Login Integration for Easy Access Cross Remove Checkmark
25+ Stylish Templates Designed to Boost Engagement Cross Remove Checkmark
7+ Elementor Widgets for Enhanced Functionality + Custom CSS Tool Cross Remove Checkmark
Elegant Engagers Display for a Stunning User Interface Cross Remove Checkmark
Social Sharing Buttons to Amplify Your Reach Cross Remove Checkmark
Flexible Customizer Options for Personalized Experience Cross Remove Checkmark
Database Optimization Tools for Peak Performance Cross Remove Checkmark
Dynamic Metabox Controls for Enhanced Post Management Cross Remove Checkmark
Easy Shortcode Builder for Effortless Integration Cross Remove Checkmark
Engagement History Tracker for Comprehensive Analysis Cross Remove Checkmark
Local Avatar Support for Personalized User Profiles Cross Remove Checkmark
WPML & RTL Ready for Multilingual Support Cross Remove Checkmark
Full REST API Access for Seamless App Integration Cross Remove Checkmark
Priority Support Service for Timely Assistance Cross Remove Checkmark

So we still take responsibility for adding new features and fixing bugs on both free and Pro versions and appreciate all your feedback and bug reports in either forum or support service.

Do I really need a voting support?

The short answer is definitely YES! But if I want to explain to you the reasons, the most vital thing to mention first is about your website user experience. The audience mostly rates you about how they feel convenient to find what they want on your website. The more precision rating system, the more usable UX feedback you get. As you may know, Google is entering UX scores into its SEO rating algorithm and the updates are just down the road. So in two shakes, you will test by google by the means of users good experience in your website. Then hurry up and collect their rates. It’s the best time for you to persuade them.

What about the Necessity of profile builder?

As you may remember, we talked comprehensively about what user profile builders do and how they help us in many aspects previously. But let have a brief review again. The best tool to make your website users a prominent part of your business society and enhance their loyalty is to establish a user profile builder on your website. Choosing a perfect profile builder plugin gives you the possibility of collecting audience data and engage them in your special events such as promotions or new product introductions.

Some of the profile builder plugins have a low security, a messy backend- coding a seriously cluttered frontend. Keep reading the comments of the plugin and choose the best. By adding a user profile builder to your website you will be able to analyze your visitor’s manner and make your vitrine more compatible with what is really lucrative for you. Because there is an analytic opportunity for you to exactly gather any data that you want from your audiences.

What a REST API do for me?

As a developer, you cannot ignore the importance of APIs on your website. An API lets you and other developers get connected about a certain issue on the server. Now, WP ULIKE put a step forward and introduce REST API which determines “Representational State Transfer” as a new set of rules in API. This takes you the benefits of using two subjects: 1- request and 2- response. You can reach your willing data by linking to a certain URL. “Request” is a phrase used for any URL and the data you get are named the term “Response”.

By the case you can read more about how the REST API work by click on the link.

What happen in the lack of ajax based forms?

Candidly noting but losing time and maybe audience tolerance. Ajax-based forms provide you a fast response depend on the process take place on your website. Many plugins may contain registration or login form but WP ULIKE Pro will definitely give you the benefits of google ReCaptcha support, absolute shortcodes for any activities such as signing up users, managing passwords or login, smartphone responsive features, entire AJAX support, push notification by email and as Toast messages, and lots of other advantages which you can see by click on the link below:

WordPress Ajax Login Register Forms

You get impressed by log reports in WP ULIKE

Log management panel in WP ULIKE PRO, investigate your rare voting data and give you a set of useful and meaningful report including:

  • User ID
  • Voter’s username
  • Action which he has done (like or dislike, undo his comment, …)
  • Date and hour of action
  • ID or title of the targeted page
  • User IP
  • And many other features you may want

By using WP ULIKE Pro you really could benefit from your professional rating plugin.

What I can expect from WP ULIKE advanced setting panel?

WP ULike Settings Panel

As you can see the actions you can perform on setting panel is configuration, translation, customization and backup and off course you can reach the plugin license information. You are able to change the button style and anything you may need due to its easy customization. Also you can choose the post type you wish the rating system to be showed.

You are not forces to send notifications to your user just in English. You are allowed to change the text language by the means of translation part.

We have not missed Elementor’s compatibility

We realize and kindly appreciate Elementor as the most popular page builder in the current world of WordPress. You can easily use the WP ULIKE widget as a set of 7 elements for Elementor page builder. The elements are totally compatible with Elementor and the most common features you will need including:

  • Posts Button
  • Like/Dislike Counter
  • Top posts
  • Top comments
  • Top Activities
  • Top Topics
  • Best Likers

You are not limited when using WP ULIKE PRO

Let get rid of conventional or buttons. You can choose any icon you wish due to the manner of the audience and even the subject of the website you are managing. Let talk less about the templates and just look at these artistic templates.

Like button templates

Just imagine you have a beauty shop and you can impress your website visitors by female voting icon which is really cute you want to have an important effect on the new visitors by number of rates you had gotten, so you can choose from the first line templates.

What a flexible metabox option have?

In the latest update of the WP ULIKE pro option panel, the path you passed to reach your desired items has been got easier and requiring less effort for developers. It is really amazing that every content type can be managed through an integrated menu.
Also general and schema generator on WP ULIKE meta box make you needless for any other extra plugin. Read more about the schema box in our introduction of WP ULike Option Panel & MetaBox.

Amazing statistic panel in WP ULIKE pro

Your data is your most important investment. So keep them safe by WP ULIKE statistic panel. Reach any of your website votes (likes, dislikes, unlike and un-dislike) on any type of content such as posts, comments, for any period of time and by the way of any type of graph, of course in any time you wish!

Stats panel

User-friendly shortcodes

Developers need the shortcodes to easily insert the previously done development anywhere they may want further. These changes may relate to a form, a video, any image, captions or audios, embed codes, galleries, any single page design, or anything that a website may need. WP ULIKE gives you the chance of working with an easy shortcode generator, with no bug and the most compatibility.

The best database optimization

Previously we talked about similar plugins with messy codes or cluttered UI in comparison to the perfect programming of WP ULIKE. It is time to leave undesired data and organize your database by optimization of your database. So you will have more useable space on your host, perform better and elevate user experience on your website simultaneously.

Users get more engaged with their changeable AVATARS!

We gonna let the cat out of the bag. Our on-going update will have an amazing feature for users to be able to change their local avatars manually. Regarding, a shortcode will be added that lets you edit account, first name, last name, etc. Look amazing!

And finally our most honor: more connection with you

By choosing WP ULIKE Pro we are lucky enough to give you more quick and complete support as we are bound to be your accompany until you are our honored friend by the means of WP ULIKE Pro.

Ready to Go Pro? Get the Best Tools for Your Site!

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6 Responses

  1. If I want to add like and dislike on my elementor post widget. Then is it possible to use wpulike . I want the confirmation If is it possible then I want to buy this plugin.

    For my Personal Website

  2. Hi, I want to checkout the free version before making a decision to upgrade. Does it include a basic like button that will provide a count of the number of likes?

    I couldn’t find information about this on the blog, and after installing the plugin, the WP ULike widget in Elementor Pro shows more complex options but not a simple like button.

  3. Hi, I want to see Like users list per posts.
    I want to know who already read the posts in our in-house newsletter.
    Does pro version include this function?

    1. Hi Ryo,
      Yes, you can display the list of likers in each post.
      But to specify the subject of the post view, our only function is that if the user likes the post (When clicking on the CTA button), you can have the information.

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