How does WP ULike display the people who like your content?

How does WP ULike display the people who like your content?

Sharing posts on the website is one of the appropriate strategies to communicate with users. It is not enough, especially for owners who use milestone opinions and know the value of followers’ reactions to their posts. As a result, different sections were provided on the Content-Type of WP ULike plugin to show complete information about likers of the website. In this article, we describe our feature which is called “Likers Box” and its functions on your website.

The Power of Displaying Likers Box in WordPress

Users’ reactions help you to make the best use of Marketing Toolkits to achieve success easier than you think. Moreover, it is interesting for users to know the list of likers’ names. For this purpose, our plugin has prepared the Likers Box to show the people who liked/disliked your posts, comments, BuddyPress activities, and bbPress topics. This feature can be used and changed based on your interests and priorities.

How to Configure WP ULike to Display Likers box?

Enabling this feature in WP ULike is very simple. Just go to the “WP Ulike > Configuration> Content Types” direction and enable “Display Likers Box” option to see all configurations.

How to configure WP ULike to display likers box?

What Templates are Coming With the Likers List?

There are three templates for you and each one has a specific structure. Both Inline and Popover are common for our free and Pro versions, but “Pile + Modal” which is our newest template could be accessible for our PRO customers.

Which one is your choice?

At first glance, this may be a matter of taste and you can choose one of the three available templates based on your needs. Free templates (Inline, Popover) have an older structure and you can customize their content with dynamic variables.

But the PRO version template (Pile+Modal) is more up-to-date and supports a popup to display the full list of likers. Using the PRO template is a better option for users who do not have much space and want to display a list of users like Instagram.

Modal Likers Template

What are the differences between templates?

  1. Inline: By selecting this template, the likers list is displayed after the voting button. Moreover, you can use specific dynamic variables to customize the HTML structure of the template.
  2. Popover: The same as the previous option, you can customize the HTML template to display likers’ avatars as a popover at the top of the button when you hover or click on it.
  3.  Pile + Modal: This template can be used to display an exhaustive list of users in a modern and better shape. When users click on the list, a modal box will be opened and the list of likers info can be seen.
    By selecting this template, two new options called “Likers Modal Title” and “Likers Modal Template” are added, which you can use to customize the information inside the modal box.

How to customize templates?

For free templates, we have an option called Custom HTML Template and you can customize it using the following dynamic variables. e.g.

<div class="wp-ulike-likers-list">
	<span class="wp-ulike-liker">
		<a href="#" title="%USER_NAME%">%USER_AVATAR%</a>
  • %START_WHILE% (required): Start the loop.
  • %END_WHILE% (required): End the loop.
  • %USER_AVATAR% : User avatar image.
  • %BP_PROFILE_URL% : BuddyPress profile URL.
  • %UM_PROFILE_URL% : Ultimate Member profile URL.
  • %USER_NAME% : Display name of user.

In the PRO (pile + modal) template, you can also edit the list of users in the modal box and change the display information. e.g.

<a href="{up_profile_url}" class="ulp-flex-row ulp-flex-middle-xs ulp-flex-start-md">
    <span class="ulp-flex-col-md-2 ulp-user-icon">
        <img src="{avatar_url}" class="ulp-img-icon" title="{display_name}" alt="{display_name}" width="80" height="80"/>
    <span class="ulp-flex-col-md-10 ulp-user-info">
        <span class="ulp-title">{display_name}</span>

Allowed Variables: {up_profile_url} , {bp_profile_url} , {um_profile_url} , {avatar_url} , {display_name} , {first_name} , {last_name} , {username} , {email}, {user_id}

Other features

Other options are helpful for you to sort likers list ascending or descending. Also, you can hide Likers Box for individuals who do not have the user profile on your website. Finally, the size and number of the displayed avatars can be changed in all three templates.

It is your turn

We talked about Likers Box as an important feature of WP ULike plugin. It helps you to show the list of users who reacted to the posts. Now, you can easily customize different options of this feature and let your users see likers’ names easily. It is your turn to share your opinions with us in the comment section.

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9 Responses

          1. Hi
            It is possible
            Add rating to plugin
            Similar to Google Star Rating
            As shown on Google
            Ability to add to other pages

  1. I mean, this was
    Add Plugin WP Post Rating to Plugin ulike .
    Add points to content in the form of one to five stars instead of likes
    No need to install another plugin
    If so

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