The Ultimate Social Share Plugin for WordPress

The Ultimate Social Share Plugin for WordPress

Sharing content with followers on social media platforms is prevalent among users. To simplify this activity on websites, Social Share Plugins help your users. Recently Share Buttons have been added on WP ULike Pro to make sharing content quite easy. In this article, we will introduce this new feature and discuss why it would be influential in your marketing.

What is a social share button?

When readers enjoy the content they use some specific buttons to share it on their timeline, in groups, or with friends. The chosen platform depends on the social share buttons which were placed on the website. Just a few simple clicks on social share buttons let you share your favorite content on Facebook, Twitter, and more…

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Why sharing on social media is important?

Social media has become part of our everyday life and has a vital place for digital marketing.  Maybe it is your question that how Share Button could be one of the practical Marketing toolkits? Here are some reasons why Share Buttons are important.

Enhance Users’ Experience:

Providing users with the Facility to share their chosen content on social media satisfies them to browse your website. While sharing content on multiple platforms becomes more convenient with Share Buttons, it improves users’ experience.

Add More Value

The number of sharing which is displayed beside the Share Buttons shows it is worthy to read. So, content can be known worthy by Share Buttons.

Increase Brand Exposure

When users share the content of your website on their social media profiles, followers will be motivated to visit it. So your brand will be exhibited more because followers find more opportunities to explore your website. Thus, adding Share Buttons result in Increasing brand exposure.

Get Social Signals

The strength of links to social media is an algorithm-factor for searching engines. This item is measured by calculating the number of shared, tweeted, and liked content. Since Share Buttons make it much easier for users, your website will get more social signals.

Improves SEO

A large amount of content makes finding specific information difficult for users. While Share Buttons help them to trace easily on your website. On the other hand, SEO rules could be beneficial in placing the links in the first searching results. Therefore, Share Buttons can get more organic traffic and enhance SEO.

All of these advantages are beneficial for your marketing targets. You can Enable the Share Button of WP ULike Pro on your WordPress.However, it is simply done with a few clicks without needing complicated skills.

How do I add social media buttons to my WordPress blog?

If you search you can find a wide variety of social share plugins in WordPress such as “Super Socializer” and “Social Snap”. It is better to Mention that  WP ULike has provided a new facility to share your content over Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and 23 social networking. 

wp ulike social share buttons

What is the best Social Plugin in WordPress?

You can use a wide variety of shortcodes, by default. Moreover, you can use your shortcodes while it is not necessary to have any coding knowledge.
There some reasons why Share Button in WP ULike is the best choice.

Extremely Customizable Configurations

Without needing coding skill you can use the prepared components. While with simple clicks you have the opportunity to add or modify your share buttons.

wp ulike social share customizing

Share Button Appearance

At present, you can choose one way to display share buttons. “Icon & Text”, “Icons” and “ Text” are default options for the appearance of share buttons on your website. Furthermore, the other component is to design social media appearance in square, rounded, and circle shapes. even, you can decide to use both official or customized color buttons.

Custom Auto Display Option

Another section helps you to add various configurations by using the shortcode or setting Auto Display Options. It includes:

  • None: sharing button can not be displayed.
  • After or Before Button: shortcode is appeared after or before the Like and Dislike button.
  • Modal After Vote: you decide when it displays the sharing button. It depends on the selected status. For example, after clicking the Like button.
  • Custom Hook: you can display the hook of your plugins such as WooCommerce by selecting this option.

 However you can filter the areas to disable sharing buttons on them.

More Custom Appearance Settings

WP ULike Pro has provided more manageable and customizable options for you. For example, you can add your shortcodes to the boxes to add extra texts before or after the share buttons. 

Now it is Your Turn

What we describe the contemporary features related to the primary user’s needs. “Share buttons” of WP ULike helps you to share content on social media such as Facebook and Twitter. While it is a simple way to design your multiple social buttons on the website. It is our purpose to improve WP ULike Pro and make it better and easier to use. It is your turn to share your opinions with us in the comment section.

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