WP ULike Integration with myCred Reward Management

WP Ulike myCred integration

WP ULike Integration with myCred Reward Management

Gamification is the latest trend in Digital Marketing. One of the best tools for better engagement of site users is MyCred rewarding system. with that in mind, WP ULike pro developed an easy connection to this Rewarding System. WP ULike myCred Integration opens new opportunities for improving user experience and value their contributions to your site.

Rewards Program & Marketing

A rewards program is a key ingredient to creating a profitable website. A recent poll in the US found that 69% of customers allow the presence of rewards or loyalty programs to influence their shopping decisions and 58% of consumers shop at least once a month at stores whose loyalty programs they’ve joined.

There are many Reward system manager available online, but none of them is as comprehensive and feature-rich as MyCred.

Other rewards programs are confusing to implement and costly to run and usually adding a recurring monthly fee to you while demanding intrusive access to your customer data.

MyCred solves all these issues while being a free and open-source plugin. Also, this handy plugin lives on your WordPress – WooCommerce website, so everything stays in your control.

myCred is easy to set up and works with a vast library of third-party software like WP ULike Pro out of the box. Forget about monthly fees — there is an extensive collection of affordable premium addons that can help you create a gainful reward system that is perfect for your site.

WP ULike myCred Integration

After adding a rich snippet generator to WP ULike, now it’s time to talk more about WP ULike Integration with myCred.

In addition to the already feature-rich Marketing tool, we implemented a method to use WP ULike Pro Voting plugin data as a hook for crediting users and authors on myCred reward system.

The good news is ULike hook implementation is easy to set up and works like a charm.

We teased about easy setup, now we are going to explain it:

now you can manage ULike hook in myCred settings.

WP ULike Hook for myCred

You can easily set points to any Like action on your website. set limitation to points by time intervals and generate logs for these actions with few clicks.

On top of that, you can give points to Authors by number likes which their content gets.

And the bonus feature is you can assign negative points for dislikes to better assess authors’ work.

In the end, you can check if authors can be awarded by like and unlike their items.

See? it’s easy to use and control. despite this, we are always available to help & support you online.

We need Your help!

Despite our best efforts, there will be bugs or issues with WP ULike Hook for MyCred. so, please report these problems via Support Service.

On the other hand, there is always room for improvement for us and we will appreciate any suggestions and ideas to make our product better.

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3 Responses

  1. Awesome plugin. 👌 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟

    Need a help. How do I disable the default Like option that Buddypress gives? Don’t need both.

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