How to Add Like Button to bbPress Forum Software?

How to Add Like Button to bbPress Forum Software?

Formerly, we emphasized how important is communities in contemporary years. The other surprising tool which can help you communicate more with you audiences is bbPress like button. WP ULIKE as always integrate the most useful rating plugins such as bbPress for you. Let get more to know.

What is bbPress?

bbPress is an useful plugin which help you add a like button to any individual post or reply of you forum, so gathering people reactions of any language and culture will be really easy. bbPress is called an Ajax-ready plugin and give you the benefits of a user friendly plugin. It is just as easy as putting some shortcodes to your willing post, page or widget. It is widely adapted to wordpress CRMs.

The necessity of putting like button into your forum is clear, but to review, we have to mention that in recent years, UGC type pages has changed to the most popular and valuable contents in the world wide web due to their reliability, so getting feedbacks from your user generated contents help your improvement.

WP ULIKE tried to make this useful tool as simple and small as possible and light enough to not force any extra load on your site. So you can easily employ any other plugins that you want, off course in the presence of WP ULIKE we don’t think you will need many of them.

What is bbPress used for?

bbPress had been introduced to alter old conventional forum software on wordpress by making forum building more fast and easy and with less needed host space. It doesn’t need lots of resources and is simple and open source.

The bbPress was introduced in 2004 by WordPress team to tabernacle the old miniBB as it was too expanded for WordPress. It is used for make a discussion platform with your website rules.

Philosophy of bbPress

Bbpres is written to simplify and lessen your website codes, fasten up your site speed, make your web pages secure, give you an once forever open source plugin.

bbPress features

bbPress plugins contain some main features including:

User permissions

bbPress including a simple and integrated permission system which is the most necessary thing for you forum. You have to have an authority to give users permission for their activities as there are lots of spams can affect your website. The rules you can use for user permissions are:

  • Keymaster – The admin role; has all rights.
  • Moderator – Moderator has all the rights of admin except the delete forum right.
  • Participant – The default user role.
  • Spectator- Read only rights
  • Blocked-Users who are blocked access to the forum.


You will modify your web forum by two individual way: 1- WP-admin and 2-Control bar

By the WP-admin you should see feature list of topics and replies, resemblance to comment display. Looking up whole list is very simple and you get somehow restricted by individual replies and topics.

But control bar help you take actions of editing, removing, making spam, pin and stick, merging, and splitting post types by yourself.
To say the least you can use any other moderation plugin that you wish.


Using widgets on bbPress is such as using them on wordpress. Take a look on your forum widgets and use them.


As we talked previously about the utilization of shortcodes, they are employed on bbPress to simplify making changes and putting features wherever you wish. You are allowed to develop you forum contents by using shortcodes or put element on your forum posts.

As you may expect, one of the shortcodes you may like too uch is like/dislike button presented by WPULIKE Pro on your forum posts, comments and replies. Get the advantages of this amazing plugin.

The creator team

bbPress plugin is known as a GPL licensed open source project which is the art of many professional programmers and developers all over the world. You will get emphasized with the patches and RFC’s which are gathered for you.

How to add like button to bbPress pages?

The first stage is that will help you is designing a gamification process to get the more benefit of your own forum. Off course you can choose any scoring plugin that you want, but we suggest the best one: WP ULIKE, as well as propose you the GamiPress integration.

WP ULIKE bbPress is adopted to your:

  • Forums
  • Topics
  • Comments

Templates help you to choose you proper like/dislike button regarding to your content type and modify it with your custom CSS.

Typically needless to say choosing the button place is optional, examine it by the UI rules. To clarify, logging method can be an optional factor for you too. That is to say you can choose only logged people to see the like/dislike button.

The path you have to follow to reach bbPress is simple. You can find it at and install it freely as simple as any other plugin. Then it’s time to get the configurations.

Follow the path: setting ➡ Forums and there is what you can see as custom post types:

1- Individual forums
2- Topics
3- Replies

forums setting

As you can see in the figure below, by choosing a new forum, you are eligible to put your willing name and add any setting you want to your bbPress forum.

create new forum

Having said that the recommended address is “”, but you are eligible to chang it from the path: settings ➡ forums ➡ forum root slug as the picture below:

forum root slug

How to set WPULIKE on forums?

Once you install bbPress forum building activate on your website. Now it is time to add like buttons by the way of WP ULIKE on your forums. The path is simple. Just follow as bellow:

WPULIKE ➡ Configuration ➡ General ➡ Enable Meta Box ➡ forum

set WPULIKE on forums

There is the first step. Then you can customize your bbPress like button from the path below:

WPULIKE ➡ Configuration ➡ Content type ➡ bbPress

wpulike profile panel

We need Your help!

Despite our best efforts, there will be bugs or issues with the WP ULike Marketing Plugin. So, please report these problems via the Support Service.

On the other hand, there is always room for improvement for us and we will appreciate any suggestions and ideas to make our product better.

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